A review by tanya_tate
Zhara by S. Jae-Jones

Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
Book Stats 
Stars: DNFed @8%
Start Date : 01/26/24
Ending Date: 01/26/24
Genre: YA Historical Fantasy Romance
Form: E-Arc/Audiobook
Page Count: 416
Publishing Date: 08/1/23
Point of View: 3rd Person
Setting: Asia

My Blog:https://tanyasreading.wordpress.com/2024/02/23/zhara-by-s-jae-jones/
StoryGraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reviews/e7b4434b-fbd6-4cfe-b74c-e04ada0a3adf

DNF @8%

I received an E-arc from Edelweiss in exchange of a honest review.
From the Main Character having giggle fits when she sees someone attractive to the Main Love intertest who supposed to be the prince being dumb as a brick.
Also with the writing feeling like it supposed to be middle grade instead of YA which a lot of reviews been saying. I really want to hold on to see at least one Sailor Moon reference but I'm not about too.
It borderline feels like satire to me.
I'm done.
I tried to give this author another try after not liking Wintersong at all but understanding what she was going through while she was writing it and it's sequel but I can't do it.

Life is too short.

Then the fact I got the arc for the second book too because it supposed to be a BATB retelling. Damn It!

Also with the tag line being "Sailor Moon meets Cinder" with a lot reviews either have read Cinder but haven't watched or read Sailor Moon.

Cinder was initially inspired by a Sailor Moon fanfic Marissa Meyer wrote when she using the pin name Alicia Blade which is called Luna version 42 which supposed to be a puss and boots mixed in with Sailor Moon with sci-fi elements. It still on FF.net along with her other Sailor Moon fanfics she wrote. Like she was a very profilc Sailor Moon fanfic writer back in the day before she become a famous author.

Like one of the main plotlines of Cinder is an Earth Prince looking for the long lost Moon Princess... In which he finds her and falls in love with her... Then having a evil queen who is trying to kill her..

Like if you watch and read Sailor Moon you know that is one of the main plots that they are looking for the long lost moon princess and the Main love interest is also look for the Moon Princess.

Cinder is pretty much Cinderella Meets Sailor Moon with Space elements.

The reason why I feel in love with Cinder because I pick out the Sailor Moon references quickly then found out who Marissa Meyer was in the Sailor Moon Community.

So I guess this book supposed to have been Sailor Moon Meets Cinderella Meets Sailor Moon but I'm not staying around long enough to figure out.