A review by gatofish
The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet by Neil deGrasse Tyson


I really like Neil deGrasse Tyson, especially his show NOVAScienceNOW. I was expecting a lighthearted look at the whole controversial Pluto-as-a-planet demotion issue but this book was actually a serious look at both sides of the argument.

I did find Mr. Tyson's tone to be a bit abrasive at times, but I think it was justified as he was made out to be the poster boy for Pluto demotion (something which he definitely was NOT).

I especially liked the reproductions of the various letters to Mr. Tyson from scientists, children, and the general public over the years regarding this topic.

This is a good book for anyone interested in the actual events leading up to the decision to remove Pluto from our list of planets. I've come to agree with the decision, although at the onset I was very much against it (because previously all I'd heard was rhetoric from the general news sources). Regardless, I still really like the t-shirt from Mental Floss that says "Pluto: Revolve in Peace 1930-2006."