A review by alienor
I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios


Actual rating : 4.5 stars, but rounded up at 5 because the aknowledgments themselves gave me feels, and it hadn't happened since - oh,wait. It never happened before.

Thanks [a:Heather Demetrios|6456912|Heather Demetrios|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1399608257p2/6456912.jpg] for flawed characters whose mistakes feel so real that I can't even hold a grudge. Really. Thank you. [b:I'll Meet You There|21469068|I'll Meet You There|Heather Demetrios|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1403897439l/21469068._SX50_.jpg|24893471] belongs to the kind of books which remind me that there's a difference between clichés and stereotypes, and let me tell you, I don't give a damn how many clichés a story can contain when the characters don't act like carbon copies of some cardboard dummies.

"Sometimes it was hard to breathe, knowing how small my world could be."

Skylar. Chris. Dylan. Josh. I'm honored to have been travelling on this journey with you - No matter how depressed or angry I felt at times, all my crying and yelling won't tarnish the utter beauty of your story, because the laughs and love? Completely worth the heartache and the hopelessness.

I don't condone all your actions and your thoughts, you're flawed as hell, but who the fuck cares? This is as realistic as a story can be, and fucking fantastic as it is. I can't ask of characters to be perfect and realistic, now can I?

"It's okay," he whispered. His lips brushed my hair.
" I've got you."
I've got you."

Special thanks to Skylar and Dylan for showing that girls can be friends and that a virgin heroine can avoid slutshaming other girls.

Thank you Chelsea for reminding me that coming of age stories can steal my breath just as much as crazy thrillers. You read me good, and as usual, I was stubborn as fuck now you know why I can relate to Skylar and Josh's stubbornness right?

I might write a longer review eventually, because they deserve it, but time is a bitch, you know? Until then, this is me :

Highly recommended.

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