A review by jcpdiesel21
Rafe: A Buff Male Nanny by Rebekah Weatherspoon


A quick, sexy and enjoyable read. What I liked most about this book is the excellent communication between Rafe and Sloan; they were clearly attracted to each other from the very beginning and chose to confront this by having a conversation before acting on their impulses instead of dancing around it and pining for each other before eventually giving in. I've read too many stories that do the latter and it's become tiresome, so it was refreshing to read about a couple who employed a more direct approach. Both of these main characters are great between Rafe bucking against toxic masculinity and traditional gender roles as well as Sloan being both a brilliant surgeon and loving mother. Rounding out the secondary cast are Sloan's adorable twin daughters and her highly entertaining group of friends. There could have been more conflict along the way for this romance as everything feels a little too easy, but I didn't mind their journey being fairly straightforward for a change of pace. I'd love to read Xeni's story, as the closing provides a tantalizing glimpse at what is sure to be a wild tale.