Alright so… BOOM… This whole thing had a lot of potential tbh. The premise was kind of interesting and the whole hierarchy of the world was new/something I haven’t seen before. My main issue with this whole thing is the “romance” sub-plot. It’s jarring 😭 How many times she gotta say she’s not interested in being in a relationship with you until it sinks into your skull, Raphael? In addition to that, the scene where he damn near compels her even after she says no never gets addressed sooooooo it’s giving no consent… it’s giving gross entitled guy who doesn’t care about his partner’s boundaries. And the author tries so hard to make this relationship cute and sexy and full of tension because of this power dynamic but it’s not working… the two of them will never be on equal footing, even if she does “make him mortal.” Like… she shouldn’t have to shoot him and he shouldn’t have to damn near bleed to death before he feels that no means no. If the premise of hunting down the rogue archangel was more prevalent, I’d probably enjoy it more but alas…