A review by andye_reads
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa


Meghan is a strong, though sometimes impulsive girl, who will do anything to find her brother and return him safely home. With the help of Robbie/Puck, her feisty and loveably guardian, Ash, the gorgeous prince of a rival Faery Kingdom, and Grimalkin, the sneaky, snarky Faery Cat, Meghan finds herself searching the mysterious Iron Kingdom and facing the most difficult decisions of her life.

When I first started this book, I have to say, I wasn't too impressed. It seemed like the typical girl-who-doesn't-fit-in-at-school template that I have read over and over in YA fiction. After the first couple of chapters, I actually put the book down for awhile and started reading something else. But there were so many good reviews of The Iron King that I decided to pick it back up and see where it lead. I'm really glad that I did.

I think my problem was that I was in the mood for a Faery book, and not a ("Mean Girls") high-school-stinks book. And it was just taking too long for her to get into it! But once she did, I found that this book was different than any Faery book I've ever read. The twist on the typical Faerie Realm, with the introduction of the Iron Kingdom, was so imaginative. It was like taking Alice in Wonderland (Grimalkin/Cheshire Cat), The Never Ending Story (our imaginations create the Nevernever) and Labyrinth (fighting strange characters to find her baby brother) and smashing them into the age of technology. Oh, and of course A Midsummer Night's Dream....with Oberon, Titania, and Puck! The love/hate relationship between Meghan and Ash was intense, and exciting! But my favorite character had to be Grim! I hope he continues to be part of the story in the future!


Parents should know: There is quite a lot of language and violence in this book, as well as some sensuality and sexual innuendo. For more details, go to The Iron King on Parental Book Reviews.