A review by ssejig
The Bedding Proposal by Tracy Anne Warren


Good God. This book would have been 1 star but I save those for DNFs. I generally remember liking Tracy Anne Warren but this book... Ufda. Lord Leo, our supposed "hero," goes beyond Alpha male and straight into stalker. He wants to make Lady Thalia his mistress. She says no. He persists. She says no. He tries again. She gets him to strip naked then leaves him in a pond. AND HE STILL IS THINKING OF WAYS TO FORCE INTO BECOMING HIS MISTRESS. No realization that, hey, maybe this isn't so romantic. Nope. Instead, our otherwise fairly admirable heroine (still living her life and hanging with her friends, even after an asshat of a husband sets her up to look like a slut and then divorces her) decides that maybe he's not so bad after all. Because it's her fault really. WHAT? There.... I can't... I skimmed the rest of the book just because I couldn't believe this was a NEW book from Warren. Blergh. Just... no. And don't even get me started on the "I'll make this heroine older than the hero! That's new! But, of course, he still has to be the lead in bed and teacher all sorts of neat tricks." Is romance heading back to the 90s tropes? I hope not.
Instead, read Warren's Tempted By his Kiss, a much better example of Warren's work.