A review by booking_along
The Ghost Writer by Loreth Anne White



Shot story in the style of “the only one left” by Riley sager.

Especially the first half a bit of this book feels extremely similar to the Sager book, which can be a pro or a con (personally I felt it didn’t work too well for this short story style since the creeping build o]up of the Sager book worked because of the slow pacing this short story just didn’t get to hold up towards so for me it was a con, but it can definitely be a pro for other readers)

I don’t think this book was unpredictable or had twist that wasn’t easily foreseeable, but it tried a little to hard to appear that way to me. 

Overall it was okay, but didn’t work for me personally.
While the writing wasn’t bad, the characters okay and the story itself while predictable not badly done overall, the was overall just something missing for me to enjoy it as a whole (or maybe between the easy comparison with the Sager book and the predictability of the story it was just a mix that didn’t work for me)

I think this can be a great rest, especially if you are not as well read in the thriller genre.