A review by lauraspages
Girl on the Line by Faith Gardner


Absolutely brilliant! More than any of the series so far, this was a total page turner; I loved this book and finished it in less than 24 hours.

I love love loved the mystery behind Jace’s sudden friendship with Sebastian and the plot surrounding their travels through Europe. Sebastian is menacing as hell but there are enough moments between him and Clarey that leave you wondering if there might be a tiny shred of goodness to be found in him, and whether he can change. All of the scenes between him and Clarey in the magical travel house were unnerving.

I enjoyed all of Simon’s plot as usual. After the darkness of the last book it was nice to have his humour back - I laughed out loud at some of his one-liners. I find his humour so much nicer than Jace’s.

Isabelle was brilliant in this book. Her time with Simon - great stuff. Her time with Jocelyn - great stuff! Isabelle’s attitude toward Jocelyn kind of mirrors my own feelings about the character; she is unlikeable.

The scene with the demon Azazel was brilliant. It was a little bit tragic for Simon but he will never know it. As well as that, there was humour and a moment where I was shocked and wished I could talk to someone else who had read the book because I was fan-girling hard.

Alec and Magnus - wow. I saw it coming but it still affected me. Alec’s continues involvement with Camille is interesting but you can hear the alarm bells on every page.

I care a lot less about the plot between Jordan and Mia but I do like both of the characters so I’m willing to put up with them!

The background plot about Maureen is clearly building to something special in the final book. I can’t wait to read it!