A review by camscornerbooks
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas


tldr; This book basically ruined books for me. It’s the kind of book that after you’re finished makes you go, “Welp…. I guess I’m done with books now. What could possibly compare to that?”

For slightly more ambitious review readers, my scattered thoughts are below. I started jotting them down as I progressed.


Started this monstrously large book. Let’s see how it goes.


Ok I thought that considering how long this book is that it was going to take forever to get into the story. Wrong.

I like the language. It’s got that great old world feel but it’s still easy to understand.


This guy has been in prison four years already! Great pacing.


Ok I’m loving this abbé, Faria.


Are you kidding me? I got worried about this 10 pages ago and then, BOOM, worst fears realized.


“Be happy, noble heart, be blessed for all the good thou hast done and will do hereafter and let my gratitude rest in the shade with your kindness.”

Oh my god, this book…

“And now, farewell kindness, humanity and gratitude! Farewell to all the feelings that expand the heart! I have been heaven’s substitute to recompense the good-now the god of vengeance yields to me his power to punish the wicked!”


Jump to 3 weeks later and I was so engrossed in the book I forgot to write down my thoughts as I went.

I started annotating this book, the first one I’ve ever annotated, when I was 80% of the way through. I need to reread it…..


Final thoughts: This book basically ruined books for me. I finished it after midnight last night and am now numbly walking around today with scenes flitting in and out of my mind. It’s the kind of book that after you’re finished makes you go, “Welp…. I guess I’m done with books now. What could possibly compare to that?”

I really want to reread it and write an encompassing review but right now it’s so raw and fresh in my mind that I’m just savoring the experience. I think, though, that this is now my favorite book of all time. I’m amazed. I’m in love.