A review by parklandmom
Clock Tower Bound by Chautona Havig


Stars: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (5/5 stars)
Read: January 2024
Format: Kindle e-Book
Challenge Prompt: CNL’s #47 of 50 - “By an author who writes multiple genres”

BOOK 11 for 2024: Another home run from Chautona! There are so many awesome life lessons in this novel. It just kept getting better as I read! I highlighted in so many places as evidenced by my Kindle annotations and on Goodreads.

I love how many other authors (old and new!) are mentioned in Chautona’s books. She once again includes a broad spectrum of books and authors: classics, children’s, YA, Christian fiction, and more. It’s fun seeing many books that I’ve read or plan to read, her use of humour about Pepper Basham’s “swoony kisses,” etc. She even mentions one of my favourite books ever, Hope Between the Pages (also by Basham). To see one favourite author mention another is book-lover heaven!

Her characters aren’t picture-perfect and I appreciate that. It’s real life. They’re like friends. I love watching them learn and grow as they seek God and His direction.

I love the friendships in this book. Even though there are problems, you can see the love they have for one another behind the pride and heartache. Anne is a wonderful woman with a heart of gold and she learns that people come before ideas and books. Gage is swoon-worthy in his own right because he loves Anne enough to wait for her to make things right with Nadia, and for her to be “his Anne” again. Nadia is a treasure who learns to go after her own dreams and trusts that God will restore their friendship. Both Gage and Nadia show true wisdom in dealing with the pain and disappointment and still follow God’s leading in the ladies’ rift.

Then there is Milton and his parrotlet, Atticus-not Finch. They are in both novellas and both novels. You can’t help but like him fiercely. He has a heart of gold and an amazing ministry even through his business. We need more Miltons in this world. I would REALLY love to see another book (or 3!) in this series with him falling in love. (Read: HINT, HINT, HINT!!!)

As Atticus would say, “READ IT!”