A review by saltygalreads
All the Beautiful Lies by Peter Swanson


I almost decided to abandon this audiobook at the 50% mark, but instead upped the speed to 1.5 and finished it.

In a nutshell: alcoholic mother of a beautiful preteen remarries. Four years later, she is dead, having choked on her own vomit. Her daughter, now of college age, remains living with the stepfather and they proceed to have a sexual relationship for years. Years later, she then repeats history and targets a middle-aged man with a "beautiful" son that she desires. Meanwhile, the bodies pile up, seemingly accidents, or perhaps something more sinister is happening.

Because this novel was well-written, with a twisty plot and very vividly drawn characters, I have to award some stars for the writing. However, the subject matter and the driving narrative of the plot, the sexual targeting of minors by a step-parent, is abhorrent to me. When these young people are barely of legal age (splitting hairs if you ask me) there are then sexual acts between the step-parent and their step-child! My skin crawled as I read it.

Profoundly disturbing and distasteful, and I am not sure I want to read anything else from this author. There are some topics you just shouldn't exploit for the sake of fiction and book sales. 1.5 stars for the writing but thumbs down on everything else.