A review by arushofemotions
Pride by J.D. Hollyfield


Book 2 in the Elite Seven series was a home run for me. We met the main character, Mason AKA Pride in book 1. He was a bit elusive, always on top of things, and ready to dive head first into drama and problem solve. What I love about these books is that each new book has given us several things. 

1. We're given insight into the Elite's secret society. Sure at this point, we know the basics, but between books 1 and 2, there's a clearer picture that's being drawn.

2. We're given insight into each new character. Their backgrounds and different histories are being outlined for us in spectacular fashion.

3. It's not just about the secret society. The romantic part of these books are spot on. They're not only scorching hot, but since each book is written by a different author, we're blessed with their different writing styles and delivery. And this includes those amazing sexy scenes.

Mason's character, much like the main character in book 1, really made me care for him. Because of the events in the prologue, I found myself needing to know more more more. What really surprised me about him, was that at first, he didn't match the Mason (Pride) we met in book 1. We learn through the first quarter of the book exactly why this is the case. This is also a lesson to the reader that what we see is only skin deep, and that each character moving forward will likely have an underlying story line that has led them to where they are, and will influence their actions. With Mason, you know where his loyalties lie.This greatly affects the situation with his romantic interest in the book. Without giving too much away, I will just say that despite it all, the chemistry between Meghan (our female lead) and Mason is through the roof. The unique taboo aspect of their relationship is one that I've truly grown to love.

One thing is for sure: Not everything is what it seems. As we learn more and more about the the society, I think we're going to be in for quite a few more surprises about how things work, why they work certain ways, and what exactly that means for these 7 books sitting in front of us. I'm excited to read what each future author adds to this story.

ARC generously provided for an honest review.