A review by lmb1011
Undead Girl Murder Farce by Haruka Tomoyama, Yugo Aosaki


I picked this book up because the name was very catching, and I'm newly interested in manga so its been fun to explore what's out there.

That being said, this was really funny and engaging. I was absolutely curious about the Cage, and the murder. Though as with most manga I am usually left wanting a bit more depth than I get out of them. I do think this could have been a LITTLE bit longer to hide a few more clues or set up a bit more of the mystery. It felt very "we're here, we're investigating, you did it, the end" Like I was reading the shortened version of what happened.

Of course I do not expect this to have 400 pages of exposition, as that is not the point of a manga but I do think this was just a bit too short.

I loved the world set up with Demons getting protection as Human-Ally's but still being seen as monsters by society and no one being willing to help them was great. I have a lot of questions about this family and where this story is going to go, and I do hope volume 2 will answer some of those questions!

All in all its a good start to a new series and i'm definitely interested in where its going to go in the future

Thanks to NetGalley for an early access copy of this book