A review by oomilyreads
Know My Name by Chanel Miller


Chanel Miller is one force to be reckoned with. Justice is SO hard to obtain for sexual assault victims. For years Chanel Miller was Emily Doe in the court system and was silence Her character dragged through dirt, told that her powerful victim statement wasn’t written by her, battling depression/anxiety and having her career on hold and watched her family get threatened. But she wins. This book can’t get any better. Where is Judge Persky who only gave Brock Turner 6 months (he got out in 3), the friend who is Brock’s friend that said this wasn’t rape (despite obvious witnesses), & all his supporters & Brock Turner himself? She even called out Stanford for failing to put things in place to protect future women from sexual assault. This young man wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon & Olympian swimmer. He “lost” it all and people blame Chanel. Excuse me? How about not be a sexual predator?

She said in her victim impact statement “Your damage was concrete; stripped of titles, degrees, enrollment. My damage was internal, unseen. I carry it with me. You took away my worth, my privacy, my energy, my time, my safety, my intimacy, my confidence, my own voice, until today.”

I KNOW YOUR NAME, CHANEL MILLER! Your voice is heard well and clear & your voice is the voice of others. Thank you for your bravery & honesty.