A review by ergative
Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo


 I was very disappointed by this one. It's probably me, and not Vo, but the previous two books in this series had a lovely frame narrative + internal story construction, and I so I came in here expecting to get that. But, like Chih themself, I got teased by possible stories, a couple of shortish stories, one of which was too long to be properly integrated in as dialogue but not long enough to serve as the central internal story, and the main narrative didn't seem to integrate with the stories as well as the other two books. Something something we make folklore as it happens something something be in the moment and see how it will be seen as others tell the tale later, exactly as you tell tales yourself of your predecessors something something you can adjust the details about how beautiful someone was as you like. I think I get it. I just didn't find it as interesting or well constructed as the previous two, and because they were so good, this suffered all the more by the contrast.