A review by gossamer_lens
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


2023 - I had very limited ways of expressing my feelings in 2009. And in reality, I still do. Collins does an amazing job of keeping things ever moving, providing world-building, and giving us deeply impactful characters with complex emotions and thoughts... all while carrying you on a breathtaking speed run of a story. One of the little blurbs on the book said something about this being "a book in rap" and honestly... I've never agreed more with a blurb. Collins nails it all fully in this and the things that I remember loving are even better now that I read them with more experience. The things I didn't remember are quite vibrant and add such depth and color. I re-watched the movies just a couple of months ago... and they are a wonderful adaptation. But my god. Does this book rock!

2009 - Things are now unfolding that should not be. does she love him Is that what she should do? why? no! A book that is amazing because of the way the Author portrays it!