A review by evamadera1
Teaching with Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom by Jim Fay, David Funk


While I found this book interesting and gleaned some useful information from it, I did not find it as useful as I thought I might. (I may have find it more useful if I reread it during the summer when I have more time to study books and techniques. Right now I will admit that I am attempting to read as many books as I can before the end of the year so that I can meet my reading goal.)
I also must acknowledge that the version I read was published a few years before the pictured version. Thus, some of the information was dated; the book has no doubt been updated since initial publication.
I actually thought the book fairly good until one of the authors related a series of stories in which he mentions striking two different children. He uses these as negative examples and things that he learned from. However, these two stories left a bitter taste in my mouth that I could not set aside as I finished the book. In my time teaching (granted, only two and a half years at this point), I have never once even come close to hitting a student, unless I accidentally move my arm unaware that a student had walked behind me. To me, these stories undermined the author's credibility and generated a lot of doubts about the method.
In the end, I think that the "love and logic" method has several good techniques to choose from even amongst some impracticability.