A review by tui_la_dao
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson


I used to be a fan of Jordan Peterson (since for a while he was not as intolerable and irrational as he is now) and do think this book is not a waste of time reading, especially if you are new to self-help books, then this one is ok to pick up.

However, I feel like he could be very extreme and pessimistic, and even dangerous, as sometimes he even builds up arguments based on non-truths when proving his ideas (talks about his lobster talks and how traditional hierarchy naturally exists in human society and we have no way but to accept how it is), so just keep a clear head while reading this (this book is alright but more like his talks on the Internet, in case you want to explore more about him after reading) since you do not want to lose hope and joy in life, which is essential if you want to live contently and meaningfully, proven by scientists, or simply, if you do not want to blindly follows some self-invented ideas that based on no science.

I remembered he wrote that no one around you would have been happy x years in a row without encountering some miseries and so, instead of promoting learning how to regulate your emotions and adjust your expectations and adapt best to the situations, he emphasized the idea that life is all about suffering, which in a sense not wrong but unnecessarily unmotivated.

The book could have been much shorter, but like all of his talks on the Internet, it's unnecessarily long and sometimes, pondering over wild questions without giving any actual solutions.


Watching some of his talks again in the video above I am kinda proud to stop listening to him a while ago, this man is against so many things essentials to humanity ...