A review by abigail_lo
Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta


I don't--even--aahh--can't--form--coherent--Froi--Phaedra--Lucian--Beatriss--Trevanion (yes, I will give him to Beatriss, even though he loves me, just 'cause I'm nice that way--what do you mean, he's not real?)

And that ending--can't--even--AAAAAHHHHH!! I swear, Marchetta's trying to kill me.

And the epilogue--no--just--don't. No.

Maybe later I'll actually write a coherent review on how friggin' awesome the characterization is, and how I cried with Phaedra at the end, but sometimes the plot in Charyn felt a little over my head, but how it deserves googleplex stars for characterization alone, and--

You know what? Just go read it.