A review by oomilyreads
Truly Tyler by Terri Libenson


Truly Tyler written & illustrated by Terri Libenson

PUB DATE: MAY 4, 2021

Terri Libenson who writes Emmie & Friends series just added a new friend to the series! Tyler is a sports jock so he only hangs out with his basketball friends but he questions why this is. Can't be just hang out with who he wants?

Tyler starts getting into art & hanging out with Emmie, his sports friends start giving him a hard time about her not being cool. He gets advice from his big brother about ending that friendship with Emmie and his brother gives some solid advice. We also see Emmie’s side of things as well & her want to reinvent herself.

This book is all about middle school cliches…. & what’s really important. Middle school can be tough! Does anyone remember what middle school was like? I always thought middle school was much more vicious than high school, the divide of what kids you hung out with and sat with started then. By the time I survived middle school, I knew who I was in high school. Tyler's big brother said it right "and coolness in middle school doesn't matter in high school".

This was a really fun, authentic about the middle school experience and heartwarming. My 8-year-old daughter is already mentioning she wants the other 4 graphic novels in this series! She’s the one who rated this & she jumped at rating this 5 stars!

Thank you @harperkids @theshelfstuff for sending me this early finished copy!