A review by ninareeds
Lucid by P.T. Michelle


Brightest Kind of Darkness was the very first self-published book I ever read, and it completely exceeded all my expectations. After I finished it in November last year I started stalking the author on Twitter to make sure I knew when the next one was coming out. Originally Lucid was planned to be a novella to bridge the gap between two books, but it ended up being a full length novel which could not have made me happier.

Lucid starts off only a couple of weeks after where Brightest Kind of Darkness ended, but it is clear that things have changed a bit since we last saw Nara and Ethan. Ethan has gone to visit his parents to try to work out their family issues, leaving Nara alone to research the mystical tattoo that appeared on his back. On one side I loved that Ethan was out of the picture for much of the story as it left Nara alone to do her own thing without constant kissing distractions, but at the same time I missed the scorching hot chemistry between the two of them.

One of the things I loved about Lucid is that we meet a new male character, Drystan, who starts hanging out with Nara, helping her with her research, even contributing on his own, and yet he never really came across as a love interest. It would have been so easy to turn this into a traditional YA love triangle, but I applaud P.T. Michelle for avoiding that, and I enjoyed Drystan all the more for it. There are other new characters as well, some good and some bad, but my favorite side character is still Nara’s best friend Lainey. She provides such a great distraction from all the paranormal drama, allowing Nara to hang out and be normal every now and then.

Through Nara’s research of Ethan’s raven tattoo she learns some surprising things about him, but more interesting was the things she learned about herself and her own gift. The presence of ravens around her added to the intrigue, as did the constant threat of knowing that someone out there wanted her out of the way. There were a couple of scenes where I was literally clenching my fists in excitement, and I was so into the story that the last 30% of the book flew by during my lunch break one day. The ending ties things up well, but also leaves enough questions open that I am dying to read the next book to see how it all will end. Highly recommended!