A review by bookswithdes
Burdened Bonds by Hannah Haze


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. 5 stars. 
major spoilers ahead 
Tristian’s mom's death hurt my heart 😩. It’s so sad to think at the end of book 3 she was fussing over his looks before the ball, and Tristian was making comments about her taking pills to get high, but it was his father controlling her 😭😭. And that moment with her was probably when she was most lucid and then she did the one thing she could control, trade her life for his 😩😭. And then poor pip was sick with some magic sickness and was sleeping the whole time, but we got to see more of Pip and Renzo together 👏👏. And Renzo is the only person pip openly likes other than Rhianna and Winnie, so that’s how you know he is AMAZING (if you can’t tell I’m obsessed with Renzo, lol). And Rhianna and Renzo rode a dragon?!?! And the dragon didn’t even try to eat Pip, they only smelled each other. Y’all, there is something going on with these animals. But the mate bond between them is finally sealed 👏👏. I need much more Renzo content in the next book or I will riot. Because this man is so adorable when he’s around Rhianna and he’s getting a new outlook on life that he was never able to experience before 🥹. Plus, Tristan and Spencer being absolutely obsessed with her, especially since she’s barely had time with them other than the bullying. And y’all, I am so happy that this book didn’t end on a cliffhanger because I would not have been able to handle it. But I am so excited to see how the final book is going to go 👏👏. 
Side note, Winnie’s grandma better be alive, and Summer and Tristian’s father 🤢. 

Favorite quotes/scenes:

“My beautiful boy.” 
“Mom, please.” 
“Be careful, Tristan. Of your father.” 
“Mom. Don’t. Give it back to me. It was mine. My time. My death. Not yours. Not yours!” 
She smiles warmly and I can see how proud she is of her son.
“I love you.” 
“She saved you, Tris. She gave her life for you.” 
“Why? I don’t deserve that.” 
“Because she loved you.” 
“The way I feel about this girl is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life before. I’m aware I’m obsessed, infatuated, fucking insane about her. But can I share her? Share her with three other men? Would I want to? Yes. The answer is yes. I could do anything for this girl. I would do anything. I’ve already given her my life. Anything else seems inconsequential.” (Tristian) 
“I want her to be pleased with me. I want her praise, her thanks, her adoration. Mostly I want her.” (Renzo) 
“I think you’re fucking incredible, little rabbit. I think I’d follow you anywhere, do anything for you. I’ve never met anyone like you before.” (Renzo) 
“You mean … the crimson magic?” 
“Everything about you. The dark and the light. The shadows and the blaze. The way you get real mad at me, the way you scream, the way you’re always fighting. I’ve never wanted to consume anything as badly as I have you.” (Renzo) 
“Are you holding me captive?” 
“You’re free to go.” (Renzo) 
“And if I do? How far will I get before you drag me back?” 
“Depends how much of a fight you want to make it. I love a chase, little one. Do you want to run and I’ll catch you?” (Renzo) 
“It feels like … the room lights up when you’re with them. Like everything is brighter, more colorful and your heart beats so fast you can hardly breathe. And you want to be with them all the time, so much it hurts to be apart. But mostly you want them to be happy, to be safe. That’s more important to you than your own happiness, your own safety.” 
“Then I do care about you, little rabbit. Because that’s how it feels.” 
“Of course, I’ll help you. Rhianna is Winnie’s friend and besides, I like that girl. She has spunk.” 
“She’s certainly had a lot of spunk.” 
“Do you believe in fate?” 
“I’ve never really believed in anything before, little rabbit. Not the gods, not the stars, not fate. Not family or friends. Nothing. But I believe in you, little rabbit.” 
“Are they always so difficult?” 
“Yes, and in case you forgot, you did nearly kill me.” 
“Shit, yeah, I did! You should be honored, little rabbit. That’s practically a declaration of love from me.” 
“I love you, Rhianna Blackwaters, more than anything else in this world, in this galaxy, in this universe, more than all the stars in the heavens.” (Stone) 
“You know you can say it back.” (Stone) 
“Of course, I’d have to mean it.” 
“It generally helps.” (Stone) 
“I love you too, asshole.” 
“Can I talk to you next?” 
“You can do whatever you like to me, little rabbit.” 
“Because me and her, I want us to grow old together. Surrounded by litters of piglets. I like that idea.” (Renzo) 
“I’ve always wanted you. Only you. I can’t stop thinking about you. Day and night. All the time. I’m losing my mind.” (Tristian) 
“It’s the bond. It’s like that when you first seal it.” 
“I’ve been crazy about you since I met you. Long before the bond between us was sealed. You’re like no one I’ve ever met. You’re fucking entrancing. You mean the world to me, Piglet. And I’d do anything for you.” (Tristian) 
For a heartbeat, he simply stares. Then he smiles. He smiles like someone who just won the lottery. “Fuck me, little rabbit,” he laughs, “I fucking died.” And I fall backwards onto my behind and sob with relief into my hands. 
“How is he?” 
“If he’d hold still and let me check him over, I could tell you.” 
“I’m fine, little rabbit. Never been better.” 
Only Renzo, dead literally five minutes ago, would describe himself as ‘never better’. 
“What? We’re bonded now. And it feels fucking fantastic.” 
“But there was this one thing, this one thing, keeping me from that temptation. That kept me hanging on.” 
“What was it?” 
“You, Rhi, you. The thought of you was the only thing keeping me alive.” 
“You have so much to live for, Spencer Moreau. Captain of the dueling team. Winner of the transatlantic cup. Son of council members.” 
“No, the only thing that matters is you, Rhi.”