A review by bookswithdes
Darkest Corner of the Heart by Lisina Coney


This book is for you. I hope it reminds you that hard times won’t break you—they will forge you.

It was so surreal to see Maddie, Cal, Grace, and Lila all grown up, but it was definitely heartwarming to see how close they all are 🥹. This book takes place 17 years after book one, when Maddie is 21 years old and gets an ankle injury the day before a life-changing audition for a ballet company. After Cal travels to take care of her, he finds her a physical therapist to help heal her ankle which is how we meet31 year old, Dr. James Simmons. During her ankle treatment, both Maddie and James fight their attraction to each other because of their age gap and their patient-doctor relationship. Once the treatment is over, they decide to pursue a friendship which eventually leads to more, but come across their separate issues along the way.

I loved that their relationship was a slow burn, it truly allowed them to get to know one another as friends and enjoy each other’s company. I loved so many things over the course of their friendship and relationship. Like it was so cute how he put his hand on her Uber so she didn’t hit her head on the way in 🤭. Ooh, and a really fun scene which happened while he was still her doctor was Maddie’s friend had created a dating profile for her and they came across his profile and her friend swiped up!!! And later on as an apology she drew him a mandala because she saw he liked them 😭😭. He would give her rides home after work because she would get out late and he wanted her to be safe. They went on a hike together which had some tension 🤭. And it was just nice how being with each other helped the other to heal and overcome their issues in the past. 

I really loved seeing any scenes with Maddie, Cal, Grace, and Lila. It was even nice to see Maddie and Cal’s moms journey throughout the book, and it made me happy that she got better and started to turn her life around. Although I wish we had seen the scene when Maddie met James’ parents, I loved the epilogue and seeing their happy ending ten years after 🥹. Also, I CANNOT wait for the next book because it’s going to be Lila’s book!! And it’s going to be 13 years after this book when she’s 24 (it’s going to be another age gap🤭) and it’s making me feel sad because it means Cal and Grace are going to be a lot older 🥲. But either way, I know I’m going to love that book and seeing everyone’s journeys 🥹🫶. 

Favorite quotes/scenes:

“I suspect there’s much, much more pain in that big heart of hers that she hasn’t told me about. I know how it feels. I’ve been there, and unlike me, she won’t fall. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll pick her up every time until she learns to stay balanced.”

“Talk to me. What’s making you so upset?”
“It’s not important.”
“It is if it’s making you cry. And if it’s making you cry, I want to know about it so we can fix it. And if it can’t be fixed, I could always break someone’s arm or leg.”
“James!” she hisses and slaps my arm away. I chuckle, caught off guard, and that earns me a smile.
Worth it.

“I can’t stay away from Maddie. I don’t want to. Every day I crave seeing her beautiful, attentive eyes and that smile that could light up a whole room just by her walking in. I long for her fiery personality, and I wish to crush all her demons so she can shine brighter.”

“I can’t stand the thought of you being hurt, Maddie. In any way, present or past. It makes me want to hurt whoever hurt you. Badly. Repeatedly.”

“You’ve just insulted several generations and everyone with great music taste.”
“Sorry, I forgot you’re ancient.”
“What does that say about you, then? That you hang out with an ancient man.”
“I’ve always felt for the elderly.”
Oh, Maddie. If I weren’t behind the wheel right now…

“If I had any doubts before, it’s clear now—Maddie owns me, consumes me, blinds me of all my senses, except for the innate urge to make her feel good, safe, protected, cherished. I would give her the whole world on a silver platter if she asked for it, and that realization terrifies me.”

“What are you doing?”
“Washing your hair.”
“But why?”
“Because I want to take care of you.”

“Thank you for always taking care of me.”
“You make me want to be a better man, Maddie. I will always take care of you.”

“How do you see yourself in five years?”
“With you.”
“Doing what?”
“I don’t care, Maddie, as long as I’m by your side. I know you’re twenty-one and have many things to figure out still, but so do I.”

“I’m tired of fighting this when all I’ve wanted since I laid my eyes on you was to be in your life. Take care of you, love you like you deserve. And if that means quitting my job to move somewhere else with you, or have a bunch of kids, or adopt a dozen cats, then I’ll do it with a smile on my face because it’ll mean I get to have you.”

“You’re my guiding light, Maddie. You have been since the moment I met you. You’re admirable in so many ways, I would lose my breath if I dared list them one by one. Just the fact that you’re here today, facing the demons of your past, tells me I have a lot to learn from you. I feel like the luckiest man on this planet when you smile at me, and I want to make you happy, to love and protect you for as long as you’ll want me. If you even do.”

“My heart is yours. And I want your heart, James, all the dark corners that come with it. Will you give it to me?”
It’s always been yours.”

“He grounds me, calms me, and I know without a doubt now that this is where I’m meant to be. He’s the one I was always meant to find, the one I was meant to share this journey of healing with.”