A review by the_ragtag_reader
The Comeback by Lily Chu


Aaaaarrrrgh! I am so conflicted about this book! I loved it and didn’t. It’s basically a K-pop fanfic, so know that going in. I didn’t like Ari, the main character. She is whiny and selfish. I kept thinking someone needed to smack some sense into the girl. I also wasn’t crazy about the ending. But all that said, I still had fun reading it! Note - I started with the Audible Original version, but I couldn’t take Philippa Soo’s narration. She is a fabulous singer, but her tone in this felt all wrong. I switched to Kindle version about half through and then managed to finish the rest in an afternoon. It’s a fun romp, but certainly not anything too deep. Still my fave of all the K-pop themed books I’ve read