A review by foesandlovers
The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss



Full disclosure: I skimmed most of the book after chapter 6 (there's only 10 chapters in this 500+ page book so you can imagine how VERY long they are). I had completely lost interest in the story and its characters by that point and was just trying to get a feel of what was happening instead of actively reading every sentence.

Regardless of the problematic elements which this book is kind of infamous for, it's also considered a classic of the romance genre. One of my goals this year was to read more of those "classics" in order to have a better understanding of where the genre started/how it evolved into what it is today. And so obviously, I felt I had to read the Flame and the Flower.

In the first 2-3 chapters of the novel, I could totally see the makeups of a LOT of historical romance archetypes in our two leads so that part was interesting and kept me reading for that reason. Unfortunately, the more the book progressed, the more flat and uninteresting the characters became. Like yea, Brandon is awful in the beginning but at least he had a personality, lol. By the end he was about as interesting as a cardboard box.

Anyway, I really wasn't planning on writing a review for this book so I'll just say that overall it really isn't a great book for a plethora of reasons, but I'm glad I'll be able to understand next time someone mentions "The Flame and the Flower".