A review by shdnx
Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer


This book - and the entire Nightshade series - is an emotional roller-coaster, revolving around tree main topics: Calla's inability to choose; her responsibilities for her pack (although this appears to be the least important thread, which is unfortunate, but more about this later) and finally, the war.

A significant part of the book is only about Calla's thoughts and feelings, and very little remains for the actual story. That said, the story is exciting, non-stop tension throughout the entire book.

The new characters were fairly interesting, and we got to see much from the Seeker's side of things, which is very good. The good-vs-evil war for world control is nothing new, boring, and naive. I don't like it.

Very little is again about the wolf pack mechanics, and it still feels like that it's just hanging in the air, without any basic concepts supporting it. The Guardians don't act like wolves in any way: it very much feels to be a forced aspect. I'm very sad about this, this is basically the only thing that keeps me attached to the series.

Calla still feels weak to the core. Incapable of making any hard, rational decisions, and also incapable of making emotional choices. She also worries a lot more on insignificant things than on more pressing/important matters. I won't give you an example, because I want this review to be spoiler free, but it's pretty typical throughout the book. Sorry, it's just all pathetic.

There were a lot of horror/thriller elements here as well, keeping up the suspense. I don't approve of them: I hate constant suspense.

As for the ending of the story (I wouldn't call it conclusion: it doesn't conclude anything): it's horrible, once again. The story is just cut up, all threads left drifting. I swear that if they do that once again, I'll throw these books out of the window, and burn them.

Overall, I've enjoyed the book, but I'm not going to give it more than 2 stars. In fact, if it wasn't about wolf shapeshifters, I wouldn't even have read it in the first place, or would have stopped reading at about the 40th page.
I'm still sort-of looking forward to the third book, [b:Bloodrose|8130839|Bloodrose (Nightshade #3)|Andrea Cremer|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1308177384s/8130839.jpg|12926604], despite all that. I just hope it will conclude the story properly. So far, Andrea Creamer hasn't struck me as a talented writer, although she's good with emotions. That may be enough for poems or songs, but not for books.