A review by gabbyreads
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma


"How can love like this be terrible when we're not hurting anyone?"
This is one of the saddest books I've ever read. My heart is broken. This book is not an easy book to review. Obviously, this book discusses a lot of things that we don't usually discuss in our society, let alone read about. But this book isn't just about incest, it's about a dysfunctional family and all the repercussions that follow with impossible choices they make. This book actually made me feel so depressed as I was reading it. The way it was written was so painfully sad and I could feel the characters emotions and I felt like I was experiencing their pain first hand. When I was only 100 pages into the book I had already cried 3 times.

Lochan is such an incredible and extremely well developed character. He's very relate-able with his social anxieties because I have a similar problem with speaking in public and trying to make friends. I felt so genuinely sorry for Lochan and Maya and all the struggles they faced. I couldn't believe the way their Mother treated them, especially Lochan. She refused to believe she had a problem and she pretty much left them to fend for themselves, and made them think they were crazy. I got so pissed off and I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as I hated their Mom. Kit also managed to piss me off several times throughout the story, but at the same time, he's a very well developed character and he's so mature for his age. Willa and Tiffin were such precious kids and it's so sad to see them get thrown into the mess of this dysfunctional family. I feel bad for all of them, cause they're all doing what they can just to stay together and not get taken into Social Services. It makes sense that Lochan and Maya turn to each other in a time of need because who else is there to turn to? It's not like they have anyone else to discuss their problems with.

That ending was absolutely crazy. The last 2 chapters had me holding my breath and I was flipping the pages so fast cause I had to see how it ended. I couldn't believe how sad that was. I wasn't expecting it, and my heart feels like it ripped in half. I didn't expect to feel so attached to these characters but I really did. I'm just in shock with the way it ended. This story will stick with me for a very long time.