A review by roxanamalinachirila
Wonder Woman. Terra Unu. Volumul 1 by Grant Morrison


Why is there a military force outside a random US hospital? Is this a thing? Are Americans that crazy? Or is it there just because Diana needs to go "Wonder Woman smash!" on all aspects of "the world of men" and it was hard to get her into a war zone fast?

This comic is femsploitation, if ever I've seen it - it's a volume for the strawwoman social justice warrior in you, who wants to bring the patriarchy down, to hear about black people being slaves to black patriarchy, to insult today's society and all its faults.

Don't get me wrong, it makes sense for Amazons to be misandrists and generally hate all things male - they went ahead and commissioned a whole woman-only island for themselves. But this story drops their hatred around like anvils, and Diana has long monologues about the evil of men which sound like The Onion's take on superhero feminists rather than an actual story.