A review by lexisreadingagain
Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver


Brynne Weaver absolutely SLAYYYYYYED. Lark & Lachlan were perfect. I loved them both from the minute we meet them on that dark road in the middle of the night. And their journey to finding their happiness was the perfect combination of dark, gory and lovely that I’ve come to expect of Brynne’s writing.

Lark is sunshine and glitter and exclamation points. She’s a people pleaser, a giver, an optimist (or as much as a multiple deleter with unresolved trauma can be). I wanted to wrap her in a warm, fuzzy pink blanket and give her forehead kisses. She’s a little crazy and a hell raiser, but she has so much love to give her little family. She’ll be a character I always love for both her humor and strength.

Lachlan is everything she isn’t. Reserved, cynical, solitary. He only has room in his heart for his two younger brothers, Rowan and Fionn, and everyone else is just barely tolerable. He’s been stuck cleaning up after other people his whole life, shackled to an unfulfilled life he didn’t ask for. I was literally swooning for this broody, tattooed feckin’ oaf of a man within minutes. He’s a little nerd at his core, don’t let the hot muscles and lethal abilities fool you lmao.

When they crash into each other’s lives that first time, they never expected it to be permanent. But protecting their loved ones is the one thing they agree they can put ahead of themselves. These two are chaotic and messy and somehow that works for them. I loved their equal levels of possessiveness. And I was panting after their concert scene IYKYK!!! 

I absolutely cannot wait for book three after this ending because ROSE YOU ARE MY GIRLLLLL. RIDE OR CROAK BETCH!!!!