A review by jenny_reads_horror
Dead Night - Potter's Secrets by Tim O'Rourke


Tsk Tsk Tsk...Oh Potter...the places Tim takes you, the predicaments he puts you in. First of all let me state that this may be a "novella" but it sure doesn't read like one. There was so much packed into the pages of 1.5 that I had felt like I had read a whole novel. This is probably going to be the hardest review I have ever had to write. Why you ask? Well for two reasons: One being that because unless you have read Tim's Black Hill Farm books, there are connections you just wouldn't get and two being the fact that there are so many surprises in store for the reader I REALLY don't want to ruin this read for anyone! Not new fans of Tim's books or current fans who just haven't made it this far yet. Upfront I apologize for the vagueness of this review!
So, that being said, I must say I loved getting to know Sophie, even though it is the "pushed" version of her. I love how she tied into the whole story and getting to know more about her. I loved that a certain character makes an appearance. I love the laugh out loud moments Tim filled the story with. I love how Tim keeps me guessing right until the end when I am screaming at him for not writing more and making me wait, although he doesn't know that I do that because I never tell him. Ah hell, guess the cats out of the bag ;)
In all honesty, each book, whether it be a novella or a novel, is better than the last. I have loved watching Tim grow as an author and also where he has taken Kiera Hudson and gang. You never know what to expect when you dive into chapter one of a Tim O'Rourke book. If you haven't read any of his books, give him a try. If you want in on the Kiera Hudson series start with Vampire Shift, or give the Black Hill Farm books a go. Ok, enough plugging, just read it already! :)