A review by theproficientreader
To Catch a Falling Star by L. Duarte


"There is the good, the ugly, and everything in between."

Well, this is simply beautiful. I can't even begin to describe how much I love this. For the record, I don't always review everything that I read (I'm a terrible "book blogger"), much less write an 'inspired' review at that. But for my third book of 2014, I already know that this is going to end up as one of my favorites this year.

It's one thing to enjoy a good read but it's entirely a bigger deal when a book tugs at the heart, and this - powerful and magical. I guess it helps that L. Duarte's writing is still as brilliant as ever. It's so poetic, like a thoughtful melody (no pun intended).

To Catch a Falling Star is the second book of the Crossing Stars series. Although it can technically be read as a standalone, I would suggest reading Chasing Stars first to get a better feel and understanding of the characters' backgrounds.

This sequel tells the story of Tarry - the notorious rockstar and the best friend of Portia and Nillie whom we first meet in Chasing Stars - and Melody who happens to be the sister of Portia's husband, Will.

Melody still grieves for her husband and soulmate as she tries to carry on and raise her five-year-old daughter, working three jobs and putting on a happy face for Ella. On the other hand, Tarry is trying to beat his drug addictions to save himself and his career from further downward spiral. When she's forced to counsel him, sparks fly between them. Each encounter ignites the palpable sexual tension between the two polar opposites. But the question is, is there real hope for them? Will they get the happily ever after that they both deserve?

Our fairy tale is what we write on the blank pages of our lives as we go through the unique journey allotted to us.

The book opens with a prologue of a thirteen-year-old Melody and Tim as he asks her to marry him under 'a symbolic tree'. Right from the start, they seem to be destined to be soulmates.

At 10%, as I finish reading Tim's letter to Melody which he wrote just before he left for his assignment in Afghanistan (where he eventually gets killed), I become emotional. I especially like the part about the legend of the coin. There is also another letter somewhere in the story and I have to say, they both remind me of those Nicholas Sparks novels I like. The words are full of melancholy and I can't help but be moved by them.

"You alone, are responsible for your stars. Your parents did you wrong. Life did you wrong. It's about damn time you do it right."

Tarry. My heart broke for him. I truly felt how lost he was and how much he suffered for all his bad choices in life, and his lack of parental love and guidance. I just couldn't help but root for him to get better because behind his bad boy persona, he was but a genuinely good person, who lived through unfortunate circumstances.

"Mel, singing is one thing I do damn well in this life. I'll provide the music."

When he started showing signs of feeling and being alive, I was so happy for him. At 25%, I was already well on my way to being in love with him myself. Swoon. But I did have just one tiny bit of an issue with him. He repeatedly mentioned the word pussy. What was up with that? Hey, I'm no prude but it just seemed kind of weird or redundant, or something.

I silently vow never to take for granted the beauty of my past, the joy of my present, nor the promises of my future.

Luciana was so right when she told me that I'll probably enjoy this more than I did the first book. Let me tell you, I really, really loved this one A LOT MORE. Although still a spiritual read and thought-provoking, I really appreciated how MUCH steamier this was than CS. I loved, LOVED the sizzling sexual tension between Melody and Tarry especially when she acted hot and cold towards him. When things finally did start happening, I swear, the steamy scenes were just so HOT! And there were more than enough, thank you very much. Sorry for being overly redundant but I was so excited about getting more action, if you know what I mean.

Most of all, I love how this book not only made me smile, it made me think and really feel. To Catch a Falling Star is a story of knowing your self-worth and moving on, and against all odds, learning to be happy and love again. If you're the type who likes to read smart and meaningful love stories then this one's for you.

"I need shaving. Badly."

*ARC provided by the author

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