A review by dale_in_va
Minority Report and Other Stories by Philip K. Dick


This book contains several of Dick's stories that have been adapted to film: The Minority Report, We Can Remeber it for You Wholesale (Total Recall) , Paycheck, Second Variety (Terminator).

The themes and concepts in Philip K Dick continue to be compelling in today's world. His stories about a technological future continues to be relevant because they address human psychology and culture rather than the specifics of technology. I think this is what makes Mr. Dick's novels so good for adaptation to film and television. One can change the specifics of characters' situations to reflect modern realities without changing the fundamental nature of the stories.

Dick tries to explore these worlds through the everyday man (and when I say man, I mean male protagonist). Reading these stories takes you on a trip through the mind of a so-called intellectual progressive man coming of age in the 1950s and 60s. It is interesting (and not surprising) to see the prevalance of sexism, racism and provincialism that populate his stories. His stories about the future, seem to also be a direct commentary on society at the time of the writing. His writings as progressive as they are, are an example of how prevalent the acceptance of these concepts were and still are.

Those who enjoy this book should take a look at the modern adaptation of Dick's short stories "Electric Dreams" on Amazon Video.