A review by parklandmom
Jennifer: An O'Malley Love Story by Dee Henderson


Read this hard cover novella the year it came out (2010). I have the entire series in two volumes, plus the prequel and this novella. Five stars, as with the others.

I am writing this review years after reading this series. I read and re-read the 6 books and the prequel long before my Goodreads account ever existed, or even the app itself. This one was read after Goodreads launched but several years before I had the app to record my reads.

This entire series is a Christian fiction classic. The entire series is so beloved by so many who love the Christian Fiction genre. It has familial bonds, suspense, conflict, romance, humour, intrigue, etc. Each O’Malley is unique and distinct. They are a group of adults who formed their own family and took on their own surname. They succeed despite their pasts but they all deal with their weaknesses and struggles. Each of them come to know the Lord through different circumstances. Six of them had full-length novels. This one is a novella about Jennifer, who passes away within the six-book series. If I had to choose a favourite O’Malley, Jennifer would be the one.

Jennifer was the youngest of the O’Mallory siblings but also the one who inspired the others with her faith and quiet strength. This book allows us to see her back story and learn much more about Tom, who becomes her husband.

This book is a tear jerker for sure but it is also encouraging and inspirational. I fell in love with the O’Malleys all over again. This series, prequel, and novella are some of my most cherished books. I once emailed the author and chatted with her a bit. These books have been recommended by me more times than I can count. The O’Malleys are like good friends that I miss terribly but I remember with such fondness.

My favourite part about the entire series is that each story was unique in personality. Each one came to find their identity as a son or daughter of God in a different way. They each had their own path. This will always be a series I hold dear and will re-read again and again.