A review by gorgonine
Kitty's Big Trouble by Carrie Vaughn


Plot: Werewolf attempts to help vampire find and rescue magical artifact before the big bad can get his hands on it.

1. I very much enjoyed all of the Chinese mythology stuff and I've yet to read a book where surprise! Sun Wukong hasn't left me squeeing in delight.

2. Everything else was pretty much par for the course. Ben and Kitty engage in a lot of pda and Ben gets low-key jealous. There's a lot of running and fighting. Cormac kinda sorta uses his newfound Amelia powers. You know, same old.

3. It's probably just me but I think books 6 and 7 of this series were the best, and everything after that ended up being more and more of a disappointment not because they were bad but because they weren't as compelling. Maybe I'm just mad that all my favorite supporting characters have dropped off he face of the Earth. And I loved the supporting cast in this one but they weren't enough to make up for the less intense storyline.