A review by booksandbraids
Warcross by Marie Lu


I don’t know if I should give it 3 or 2 stars… I’m doing to go with 2.25 because the more I think about the ending the more pissed off I get. I really wanted to like this book. So many people liked this book. And the concept behind it was wonderful… at first. But I had some issues…

The smaller of my two issues was that the “hacking” felt strange. It didn’t make much sense. It was a strange combination of computer work and physical action- physical action which was I guess technically controlled mentally? Maybe I just wasn’t full understanding how the technology was supposed to work but it all just felt strange to me. 

More importantly, the “villainous super crime” being committed isn’t villainous at all. I am 100% on
Maybe if he changes to controlling other types of behavior and actions and whatnot, but simply stopping crime and violence before it happens? How is that wrong?? You say you are taking away people’s freedoms. But you could argue the same thing about putting people in jail after they commit the crime. Isn’t it better to stop murder, rape, and theft before it happens? Think of all the rape and murder victims. Where is their freedom of choice when they are being raped and murdered against their will?? As long as this type of behavior control remains where it is only stopping major criminal behavior, I 100% am in support of it. You could stop drunk drivers too. Think of all the lives that would be saved. And the only people who would have their freedom impacted are the people who want to commit serious crimes (rape, murder, etc). And they shouldn’t have freedom anyways. What the fuck is wrong with people for thinking this is a bad thing.