A review by cameronreads
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers


A lot of what I liked about TLWTASAP was in here: the world building, the different species, the conversations about personhood, the casual and accepted queerness (great genderfluid rep!). However I liked the structure and plot of this less. The quick switching between POVs meant I didn’t get a chance to sit with each character, so I didn’t really get attached to them. This wasn’t a fault of the character development, in fact I thought the characterisations were done well, it was more that I wanted more time with each. It also made the reading of the book feel a bit clunky or stilted. I liked the end more than the rest of the book, which felt like very long set up, so I would have enjoyed it coming into play earlier or lasting a bit longer. Essentially, there was stuff I liked about this, and stuff I didn’t. I’d recommend if you are really eager to follow Pepper and Sidra after TLWTASAP, or if you want more AI content. Otherwise, I would be satisfied with just the first book.