A review by sjj169
The Ugly Stepsister by Aya Ling


4.5 stars. Best fairy tale re-telling that I've read so far.

That's normally one way that authors go with the re-tell of a fairy tale. Wait, I would probably read and like that one. Let's scratch that and start again.

Kat is told by her mom to head up to the attic and clean up some of her old books for a yard-sale. In doing so she finds an old copy of Cinderella. She is kinda clumsy so she ends up tearing the book when she falls down the stairs.
When she wakes up their is a troll there waiting and he tells her that the book was enchanted and the only way to get out of storyland is for the story to finish from where she tore the book. On the first page.

She doesn't wake up as Cinderella though. She wakes up as Katriona. One of the ugly stepsisters.

Kat's a hot mess. She hates the constant visiting, the whiny girls all wanting to meet the prince, the whole she-bang. Upon her presentation to the queen she falls down and busts her butt.

She has to find out who Cinderella is though. Could she be the maid in the house Ella? But Ella has a mom. Who is sick at home and younger siblings.
Kat does end up spending a lot of time with Prince Edward. Get this. No insta-lurrve. Kat is too busy doing her own thing and trying to end the curse. In the meantime she does fall down and get dirty.

Because I am from the modern world, it's natural that I'm not like other girls. It's second nature to me that children shouldn't work at all, that women should be allowed freedom to do anything they want. It isn't because I'm special.

This book is so much fun. The only time I shook my head with is was when the people in "storyland" used the word "ain't". That part just didn't ring true for me.
Now that ending....

I know it had to go that way but I still said a really big cuss word.