A review by jenny_reads_horror
Vampire Breed by Tim O'Rourke


"The fate of two entire races lies in your hands. The decision to destroy an entire race is not an easy one - so choose wisely, Kiera Hudson."

Geesh...talk about having the weight of the world on your shoulders! Poor Kiera just can't catch a break as it is always one battle to fight after another.

I have said this after reading each book in this series but this is definitely the best one yet. Again, Tim sucked me right into this world of vampires, Vampyrus, werewolves and half-breeds. Vampire Breed picks up right where Vampire Hunt left off, with Kiera still imprisoned by Phillips and his "over-grown dog" Sparky (man I hate that sleazy wanna-be!) with no idea what has happened to her friends. And in a load of pain I might add. After all, Kiera, along with Kayla and Isador, have been enduring being operated on and tested for their unique half-breed DNA so that the Vampyrus can breed more of them and eliminate the humans from the face of the planet. Plus being addicted to blood and the pain that goes along with the changes her body is going through. With the help of some nightmares, a classic fairy tale, a wobbly old chair and a new and unexpected friend, Kiera once again proves she is not going down without a fight!

Potter... oh where to start... You cannot read any of the books in this series and not have him sticking out like a soar thumb in your mind.
During book one, I couldn't stand him. During book two I started to soften but still wanted Kiera to be with Luke, by book three Luke was history in my book and I had grown to love Potter. He is back full of quirky, sarcastic spout offs and comments with his no-nonsense, no beating around the bush attitude. He had me cracking up in some parts and gasping in shock from his harshness in others.

As with Vampire Hunt, there was a "bring a tear to my eye" part that I never saw coming. Vampire Breed is also full of learning to trust, all the while that doubt of a traitor is still hanging in front of the gang. Having to grow up way to fast, Kayla and Isador really step up and pull their own weight and Jack Seth makes a comeback. As more parts of the overall story come together and plenty of action throughout the book you will be kept on the edge-of-your seat and before you know it your reading the ending and you will be picking your jaw up off the floor. Yeah, it's THAT good!