A review by bandherbooks
Sinner by Sierra Simone


Content warning behind spoiler
Spoilersuicide of a secondary character discussed, death of a secondary character by cancer happens on page, rape of minor children discussed

For an erotic romance ostensibly about man having all the sex with a young woman on the verge of becoming a nun, this is so very much more.

Sean Bell, who was briefly mentioned in Priest and brother to the now ex-Father Bell, has lost his faith after his sister's suicide, a sister who was hurt by a priest. Sean focuses on the here and now, making money no matter who he hurts, having sex but never falling in love.

When he meets a beautiful young woman at a party, everything changes. Especially since the young woman is Zenny, his best friend's sister. A woman about to take her vows. A woman who begs him to show her what she'll miss after she does.

Helpless to resist and helplessly falling in love even though Sean knows he'll only have Zenny for one month, this sinner has finally found his savior.

Holy crap did this book make me feel. So many feelings. All the feelings. Sensual, erotic, religious, and just fucking beautiful. Wow. While Priest kind of made me a little more uncomfortable (see my review for that one), I found Sinner's exploration of sex, faith, and love to just be exquisite. While we are soley in Sean's POV, I still felt like I knew Zenny and understood her motivations. I appreciated her world view and loved her views on sex and faith, and not considering sex to be sinful. Her superior mother was also A+.

One of my best reads so far in 2019!

See below for my thoughts on a spoiler-y part:
SpoilerI thought how Sierra Simone handled the death of Sean's mother was wonderfully done and was so emotional for me. My father died of glioblastoma last year and I, like Sean, was able to be with him when he died so this scene in the book wrecked me but also made me feel at peace. That is the true beauty of this genre as I knew in the end Sean would get his HEA so i could process my emotions about the other heavy content without also worrying about the rest.