A review by bandherbooks
Star Dust by Genevieve Turner, Emma Barry


“Constellations tell a story. Lines connecting points, making a picture. Your freckles do too. Your body does. Anne-Marie, I like your story.” He didn’t look away. He didn’t even blink. He meant it. Every word. And looking in his eyes, she felt it. She nearly shook with need.  “Make love to me.” “Yes, ma’am.”

So I've had Stardust languishing on my TBR pile for way too long. Way too long. BUT I guess it was waiting for me when I truly needed it because wow, I absolutely loved it. My entire jam. A golden boy, a scoundrel who is so confident in his looks and merit, is completely bowled over by the jaded divorcee next door.

Not only is the romance absolutely swoonworthy, the 1960s setting was a refreshing change of pace. Commander Kit Campbell's desire to go to space, the mission itself, and the cast of characters at the NASA-esque project, and the exploration of the role of women and the problems they ran against during this time period, all added depth and an immersive reading experience.