A review by owlsreads
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon


For me, the author couldn't have done wrong with this book. We Dark-Hunter fans had been waiting for so long to learn the full story of Acheron, that if she decided to have him live to his potential and destroy everything he ever lived for, I still would have loved it.

Sherrilyn Kenyon starts the book with an Author's Note warning us "it's imperative to know his past. And so here it is. Unvarnished and whole. This is the steel that was forged by the fires of hell." And, oh man, wasn't that true.

As we learn about Ash's history, we can't help but feel the pain and heartbreak along with him. From the hatred his parents and brother felt toward him, to being abused by his uncle since he was a young child, for finally trusting people just to have them betray him later.

We finally understand why and how he became the man he is today. Why he's so secretive about his past, why he hates Artemis so much, how he became a Dark-Hunter, everything. It's such a beautiful and sad story, and then to finally have him have his happy ending... I have no words.

I won't get into what happens because I really think everyone should experience this amazing stories with even more amazing characters for themselves. I recommend this book to everyone who likes well thought out and complex plots, incredibly strong characters, and mythology.

I'm truly glad I came across this books and had a chance to read them. I loved this arc in the series, and can't wait to see what Kenyon has come up with for the next part, because surely it will be as remarkable as what she has done so far.