A review by meldelizia
Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun


officially my new favorite book ever.
I need a subgenre of romcoms about death and dying with this as the leader.
I truly loved everything about this but here are some elements that really stood out to me;
the way there was a second love story so beautifully woven in to the story, Joe & Remy made my heart break in the best way.
the way we saw multiple types of love stories, rosemary & logan being the main romance, but also the love of a teacher turned mentor turned parental figure and the depths of that love. also a really beautiful father daughter relationship with Logan and Antonio.
the way we saw such incredible and vast grief representation, the grief of Joe getting ready to die, the grief the girls felt for the anticipation of losing him, the grief of their previous parental losses, their grief of losing time with each other, the way Joe’s grief during the AIDS epidemic impacted his relationship and life.
and one of my absolute favorite things, the way we got to see two drastically different versions of how ADHD might present and how both are valid with their own struggles and experiences.
honestly there was so much jam packed into this death road trip romance and I want to keep reading it over and over again.
I’m so grateful that this book exists.