11corvus11's reviews
886 reviews

The Essential Difference: Male and Female Brains and the Truth about Autism by Simon Baron-Cohen

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Baron-Cohen justifies ableism, transphobia, discrimination against various sexualities, misogyny, and other things with cherry picked biological deterministic "science" in a variety of his books. Also apparently I don't exist because I have very high empathy but a "male" brain in many other ways and rather than dismantling this binary, he upholds it to fit his theories.
Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder by Stephanie Marohn

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Do not go into this book believing it is a "guide," as the title says, and you will be more likely to enjoy it. It is a book about a few alternative therapies for people labeled bipolar. It focuses on one doctor per chapter and some of their case studies. There is not a "guide" or "how to" and it basically urges you to seek out treatments that are inaccessible to many people due to cost, location, etc. There is not much research in it and it completely leaves out herbalism which I found extremely odd as it was one of the main reasons I read the book. As others have said, the section on Amino Acids is probably the best. It is very "woo woo" and involves a lot of spiritual methods. I did not get as much as I expected to out of it, but there were interesting parts, and others may benefit from it.