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abeerasad's reviews
383 reviews

I Looked Away by Jane Corry

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WOW (Spoiler Alert)

This was an amazing book! Throughout the book I began to hate Sheila the Moore i read the book! I hate her so much for what she did to Ellie who never deserved what happened to her and how her husband knew all along! This book have me goosebumps! I loved every minute of reading this book! I would absolutely recommend this book for those who love thrillers and murder mysterious! It makes you wonder what happens in the world!
The Stopped Heart by Julie Myerson

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This book was a strange and weird in a good way. It had many twists and I could never really figure it out in a good way. I don't mean I didn't get what was happening! You will have to read it to find out what I mean! It was a great book and the title fits it so well as it made my heart stop! (Hypothetically)

I loved the book start to finish and can't believe what some of the characters did! I would recommend this to those who like thrillers!
I Will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll

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Some Plot Twists

I bought this book as I have read the other books in this series and loved Mathew & Melanie Sanders the characters throughout the books! The books was amazing and kept you guessing till the end but I would say that it's not Teresa's best book! My favourite it the series has to be The Promise which comes after The Friend which comes after I Am Watching You! This book is the last in the series and the series isn't laid out correctly on Amazon! Overall the series is amazing and I would read it again in a heartbeat! I hope there are more books to come in this series after knowing the ending!
The Ex by Alafair Burke

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Plot Changer

This is my first book I have read by just Alafair and I was expecting an amazing book! I have read 'The Cinderella Murder' by Alafair & Marry Higgins Clark which was an amazing book but this one was soo much better! Can't wait to read more from Alafair Burke! This book keeps you guessing right till the end! I just can't believe what just happened!
The Lie by C.L. Taylor

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This is one of the strangest books I have ever read! It really messes with your brain! I would truly recommend this book to those who love thrillers! If you love this book you should read 'The Lying Game' by Ruth Ware!
The Accident by C.L. Taylor

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A gripping thriller all the way to the end! It truly shows how technology has changed our lives and how easy it is to find someone! I would truly recommend this book for those who love thrillers! If you love this book you should read 'The Lie' by Taylor which I thought was amazing! I can't wait to read more of C.L. Taylor's books!
The Lying Game by Ruth Ware

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What an incredible book from an incredible author! I can't believe what just happened! The lengths that people take to protect their loved ones! I would truly recommend this book to people who love fast paced thrillers! If you really enjoy reading this book it is worth reading Teresa Driscoll's series of books named 'I Am Watching You', 'The Friend', 'The Promise' & 'I Will Make You Pay!' 'The Promise' is just like this book but even better but it won't make sense and you won't enjoy it unless you read all of them! However, 'I Will Make You Pay' isn't as good as the others in the series!
Sleep by C.L. Taylor

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What an amazing physiological thriller! I can't believe what just happened! I would truly recommend this book to those who love fast paced thrillers! Wasn't expecting such a big cliffhanger! This is one of C. L. Taylor's best book that I have read!
Found by Erin Kinsley

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Gripping and Emotional

A fantastic book! I felt very emotional throughout the book and when Evan started to open up more to his parents and the police! I felt I could relate to what he may be going through even though I have never been involved in a kidnapping! I have read similar books to this but they included graphical details of what victims of this type of kidnapping went through! Even though this book didn't include this I knew the kind of things that Evan would have been made to do! I would truly recommend this book to those who love gripping and emotional thrillers without graphical details!
Friend Request by Laura Marshall

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I can't believe what just happened? This has got to be one of the best books I have ever read! It hooked me from the very beginning! I got goosebumps just reading it! I never expected the big twist at the end! I can't wait to read Laura's next book!