abigail_lo's reviews
379 reviews

The Year I Met August by Renea Porter

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DNF at 10%Sweet baby Jesus, save me from the insta-love! Yes, insta-love can actually be really cute when done well. [b:Puddle Jumping|22616635|Puddle Jumping (Puddle Jumping, #1)|Amber L. Johnson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1404329003s/22616635.jpg|41093647] is essentially love at first sight, but it's still the cutest damn YA contemporary non-LGBT romance that I've ever read! ([b:Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda|19547856|Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda|Becky Albertalli|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1402915678s/19547856.jpg|27679579] is still the cutest YA contemporary romance ever.) But when insta-love is done badly -- whoo, boy. It's raining cringes and eye-rolls, guys!SPOILER ALERT!So, here's the plot: Murphy is super nerdy and not interested in guys. Her older sister sets her up with her boyfriend's friend, August. And boom: they're in

lurve! After one night at the festival, they exchange phone numbers. The second day they've known each other, they have a super cheesy dinner together, and Murphy meets August's parents. Like, it's the second day! Really? And by 10% there are already plans for August to have dinner with Murphy's family -- on the third day they've known each other! What is this bullshittery?
Natural Born Charmer by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

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shoutout to SEP for writing the first contemporary romance book I have rated above 3 stars in over a year!what can I say? Dean was too charming, and Blue was way too spunky & awesome. I couldn't resist! plus it was nice to see that Dean actually had insecurities about the relationship, and it wasn't just Blue being bitchy and not trusting anyone.
Scandal Wears Satin by Loretta Chase

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it was nice. hip hip hooray!wow, how do romance reviewers write reviews? all romances are the same!well, whatevs. i'm not writing any romance reviews.
As I Descended by Robin Talley

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It's a bisexual Macbeth retelling with a beautiful cover. If that doesn't make you immediately add this book to your TBR, you're living your life wrong.
The Young Elites by Marie Lu

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oh my god i have feelings ??? i'm so not okay someone send helpseriously, after DNFing Legend, i didn't have super high hopes, but one of my friends recommended it to me (thanks Mikah <3), and i just decided to try it. and now ... i just can't. too much awesome. to be fair, the beginning was pretty slow, and the romance was hella angsty (with some hints of a love triangle that i was not okay with), and the MC was just being kind of stupid
Spoilerby not telling them about Teron? i mean, seriously. lying up front and telling them later never. works. out. jeez
, but it's all okay because that ending ?? agh!
Spoilerenzo's freaking dead ?? seriously, i'm so not okay. sure, i didn't like him that much at the beginning, but he was growing on me, and then Lu freaking kills him ?????? jesus, authors are so mean sometimes.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

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Do I really have to explain this rating?Yeah, didn't think so.Also, Fred and George literally almost gave me an asthma attack, and I don't appreciate it!
SpoilerAnd to all the people who say Harry and Hermione should have been together: no. Do you not see the love-hate relationship between Ron and Hermione? Because I do, and it is as beautiful as Lizzy and Mr. Darcy's relationship. Wait, nope, take that back--almost as beautiful. Because nothing is ever going to beat [b:Pride and Prejudice|1885|Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320399351s/1885.jpg|3060926].
Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen

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I have a clear memory of reading this, but apparently I didn't review it? Or even rate it? God, I hate when this happens.
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin

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it's not bad, but it's not really the kind of fantasy I go for. for me, the writing is too flat, and the climax was wrapped up too quickly. however, I did still find it interesting enough for high fantasy, and I'll probably read the rest of the cycle later. otherwise how could I possibly call myself a fantasy fan?
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

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It was just too cute! Yes, there was insta-love, but did I care? No! I was too busy shipping like crazy to care about anything anyway.