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alexatthelake's reviews
717 reviews

Reckless by Elsie Silver

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The Chestnut Springs series has been an unbelievable delight. I’ve loved all the men and all their women, but Harvey definitely still has my heart. Needless to say I was very excited for Reckless.. but it let me down a tiny bit. In fairness, Winter has always been my least favourite character in this seris, however she did redeem herself quite a bit in this book and became very relatable. I’m glad she got her moment to show us who she really is. Theo… well he was basically perfection. Who doesn’t want a man who sees us for who we are and LOVES it? Yeah, there’s no complaints with him. 

Reckless was addicting, delicious, heart breaking and heart warming. The steam, obviously, was so on point and so good I couldn’t get enough. I will say that a few of the tropes in this series have been a little repetitive and worn out, which took away a star for me, but the writing quality, story line and characters were everything we expect from Elsie Silver! 
The Drowning Woman by Robyn Harding

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It really takes a lot for me to be captured by a thriller, especially one that isn’t a “specialty” one of sorts (if that even makes sense). This book had me on the edge of my seat and honestly a little stressed out through the entire thing. I had suspicisions on what was going to happen, but I truly couldn’t have guessed any of it. 

The dual perspective narrators really made a difference for me with this one, with the back and forth between the two in the same time period, just from different perspectives. None of the characters were overly likeable, trustworthy or reliable, but boy did that ever work in this book! This thriller was a refreshing breath of air after so many medicore ones. If you’re looking for something to blow your mind, this is it! 
The Connellys of County Down by Tracey Lange

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Tracey Lange’s previous book was an immediate hit for me. When I saw a new book by her coming out, I was immediately drawn to it and very excited to dive in. I will admit that I struggled through the first 25% or so, not really connecting or investing myself with any characters or the story lines, but once it took off, it REALLY took off. 

It’s hard to decide if you like these characters, feel sorry for them, or see a lot of yourself in them. I think that’s the beauty of Lange’s writing though - the words really make you sit back and think and reflect. This book was quite short, but it packed a lot of punch through the storylines that all intertwined. It was beautiful, raw, emotional and relatable. If you’re looking for a character driven family drama, this book is for you! 
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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Truly what is there even to say about this book that hasn’t already been said? I was a HARD PASS on a book about dragons, but FOMO and bookstagram got me and yet again I was not disappointed. My whole view and opinion on dragons has changed and I CAN’T GET ENOUGH. 

Honestly everything about this book was incredible. The characters, the story, the STEAM, the DRAGONS!! All of it. I don’t really need to say anything else because you’ve read a million reviews that all say the same. COME ON NOVEMBER I NEED MORE. 
The Off Limits Rule by Sarah Adams

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Typical Sarah Adams book - cute and quick. While this one won’t go down as my favourite, it was still sweet and delicious even though it was closed door, with likeable characters and a swoony love interest. The best friends brother and forbidden love tropes were executed perfectly in this book, building the most enticing chemstiry build up. 

Sarah Adams books are always reliable to bring a smile and swoon to my life and this was no exception. If you’re looking for a quick, cute read, check it out! 
Everyone Here Is Lying by Shari Lapena

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Shari Lapena is typically a guaranteed auto buy, as her books are usually enjoyable, quick reads. While they won’t be super memorable or top my favourites lists, I always enjoy them and read them fairly quickly. 

Everyone Here Is Lying was unfortunately a huge miss for me. I think maybe I’m in the minority here, but the plot didn’t sit well with me at all. To avoid spoilers I won’t go into many details, but it just gave me the ick and I found myself grimacing through most of the book. The ending left a LOT to be desired, which was just another hit to this book. It was still a fairly binge-able read, but all the characters were horrendous and the plot was not my favourite. Check it out and let me know if we have the same opinion or if it worked for you! 
Pretend To Love You by Julia Jarrett

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New Julia Jarrett favourite unlocked! Not only did I LOVE these characters, but I loved the NHL aspect, the best friends brother and the overall message in the story! Jude and Lily are no question my favourite characters from the Dogwood Cove series. There was endless swooning, banter, real talk, and STEAM from all ends on this one and I couldn’t get enough. I truly loved how Jarrett handled the miscommunication in this one - usually it’s way too drawn out and repetitive for dramatic effect, but this book had just the right amount to feel authentic and get the point across. And of course I LOVED when they finally communicated IYKYK. 

I love this family and this series and I can’t wait for more! 
Out On a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young

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Out On A Limb is literal literary perfection. That’s it. That’s the review.

Okay, it’s not the review but it seriously could be. I can’t find the proper words that could even begin to describe how I felt about this book, because Hannah Bonam-Young took all the good words and put them in this book. She’s actually a literary mastermind. I don’t know how she does it and frankly I do not care as long as she continues to give me the stories I didn’t know I needed. 

Let’s talk about this book - the trope is usually one I immediately turn my nose up at and pass on because it’s not for me. It hits sensitive spots I don’t like dealing with so I just don’t do it. HOWEVER, I will say, that Hannah somehow managed to take my least favourite trope and turn it into my favourite book of the year. How? Again, I have no idea and still don’t care as long as she gives me more books. Have I even talked about the book yet and what happens? No, I haven’t and truly I don’t need to because you should be RUNNING to get yourself a copy (when it’s available) to immediately read. 

It’s beautiful, vulernable, heart-warming, and so authentically real that you will absolutey fall in love with Bo and Win. Mark July 11th on your calendar, because you need to read this book.
The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Daré

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The Girl With The Louding Voice by Abi Daré

What an absolutely incredible work of fiction. Its brilliant, powerful, emotional and so incredibly moving. I will admit that I struggled with the writing for the first little bit, but once I got used to it, I barely noticed it. Adunni, the main character, will be one I will remember for a long time with her fierce determination, ambition and strength. I think a lot of people could learn things from this character. 

While very different in content and style, this book will sit with A Thousand Splendid Suns on my favourites list. 
Fit to Die by Daniel Kalla

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Daniel Kalla is the absolute master of medical thrillers. Fit To Die is about an epidemic of 'weight-loss' pills that are rapidly killing those who struggle with eating disorders and body builders. While this book won't top my favourites list of Kalla's work, it was still very thrilling, terrifying in the sense that it could easily be real life, and so well written. I will say that there were far too many characters to keep up with in this one, I don't even really know who exactly the main characters were supposed to be and I couldn't remember half the names after they were initially introduced. 

Thank you to Simon and Schuster and Daniel Kalla for my copy of this book! For thriller lovers who especially love detective work, medical components and a touch of potential reality - check this book out!