All I do is scream reading this romantic ass book like??? HELLO????? THEY’RE SO IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dora and Elias… my beloveds 💖 they absolutely scratched the itch for a Howl and Sophie-esque romance and even reminded me of the romance in Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson, which I also adored.
I really only have two qualms with the book: the fast paced romance (wish it was prolonged just a little bit longer) and not at all subtle monologuing of Elias’ talking about the disenfranchisement of poor people, specifically children and the wealth disparity. It was a bit hamfisted, and while it’s great the orphans were being taken care of, the larger issues that Elias talks about are never truly taken care of or actively worked against i.e. the incredibly large wealth disparity across ALL of England. Instead, we get a lecture but no actual action to the larger systemic issues aside from the orphanage. If we’re going to have a lengthy discussion about wealth disparity, then it should be address further down the line within the text. If it’s not going to be addressed, there was no reason to include it.
This book had an amazing premise that felt as flat as a macron shell when overmixed. I love the concept of what happens AFTER the adventure/the folktale/the fairytale, but this did not scratch that itch. Characters were lackluster or made stupid decisions because the fact Greta was WARNED about people potentially coming to get her for performing witchcraft but being surprised when she's caught performing witchcraft. NO DUH. and that was absolutely infuriating.
I have so many qualms with this book, but I don't really want to get too deep into it because it's all spoilers, but warning: the ending pissed me off so bad because FOR SOME REASON, we've had an influx of books where in the ending, the big bad will LITERALLY explain everything to the MC. This one was especially infuriating because this is literally THE FIRST ON SCREEN conversation the MC and the big bad have and the big bad basically says "all of the bad things that happened in your life? it's because of ME!! AHAHAHAHAHA" LIKE MA'AM, WHO ARE YOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!
Not that first chapter making me feel bad for Lakan—
I really enjoyed this chapter because I’ve missed the inner court ladies, and I really love Princess Lingli. She’s so cute 🥹 It was a nice break from the last volume that was hella heavy 😔
Solid collection of comics with the same running gag, and while it can be tiring, it’s also the point of the whole series. I enjoy these comics and will probably look back on them whenever I need a good laugh.
Solid collection of essays and analyses of horror, queerness, and the inherent queerness of horror. Lots of solid ones, some middling, and very few that left no real impression on me. Would love to revisit by watching all of the movies especially the foreign ones.
A reflective, grief-stricken, and compassionate love letter to books and book lovers. Rintaro’s journey through this entire book was beautiful and heartaching, and as a former bookseller and current employee within publishing, I can’t help but be moved by the magic and love pouring from these pages. A must read for fans of Diana Wynne Jones, Studio Ghibli, and sassy cats. And books, of course.
In the third labyrinth, Sayo makes several jokes about the adversary of the labyrinth being gross and fat, but Rintaro actually finds her comments to be kinda rude. It’s brief and only encompasses maybe a small paragraph’s worth of text.