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audiobook_addict's reviews
144 reviews

The Store by James Patterson

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This was a fun slightly campy wind-down from the last book I read. It was slightly predictable, but at the same time interesting. I was curious to see how it all played out, as it were. I actually put the wrong date on my last book, trying to get used to the picker, but, I finished it Wednesday night and just finished this one so this was the first time I've done back to back reviews on books in like forever. It was a fun ride though, and one I would recommend if you are looking for something, but not sure what that something is, good, but not something you have to think hard about. Of course, I immediately thought of a couple store chains this could so be, if they pushed it hard enough, so it was almost a warning of sorts, but a pretty entertaining one. Graham Halstead did a fabulous job of narrating also so hats off to him. Good job, and enjoy yall. Happy reading. There's more to come. I just gotta find another book now. I apparently got some catching up to do.
Whispers From Another World by Jason Paul Rice

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Interesting first book

This was an interesting first book. However' there was just something about the writing that was a little stilted anawkward. The characters were ok' but they seemed not thave a lot of substance and thworld was a bit off but ,i can't place why. I do want to see what the second book does and if thstyle changes. I guess I,m just used to my paranormal things being a little1 more somehow. Anyway' that is what I think. I,m curious as to see what everybody else thoug ght about it. Take care yall.
The Stars Beneath Our Feet by David Barclay Moore

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This was a little different read for me, but I like stepping out of my norm every once in a while. I enjoyed this one, and the ending wrapped up nicely. I've been recommending this to quite a few people, patrons and family alike that I know might like this one. It's one that makes you think, and to watch the characters evolve and grow, with a few subplots with each of them kept me fascinated all the way through. This is one if you like YA novels, and want a change from the whole distopian fantasy thing that seems to be the trend, this is a good one. It's a good growing up story with a real life meaning that can apply and stick at any time. I enjoyed it though, and the narrator for the audio version did a phenomenal job. He fit the character well, and carried the story all the way through. Read this one if you're looking for something a little different. You won't be disappointed.
The After Party by Anton DiSclafani

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This was one of those books that gradually pulls you in. Very much like Joan Fortier herself, this book has an ever-growing mangetism that slowly pulls you to the very climactic center. But the resolve is beautiful in it's glory like the time and era this book takes place in. It reminds me at times of Gone With the Wind in it's sweeping majesty and writing, and at times, the Help in how even the smallest characters interact with each other. This one will stick with me for a while. It also has that Grat Gadsby feel, in it's almost surreal at times atmosphere with the Shamrock Hotel and all the ambiance that had. The narrator here, Dorothy Dillingham Blue did an amazing job. She became Joan as much as she epitomized Cece Buchanan. I enjoyed this and have recommended and sent it to patrons, and told friends about this one since I picked it up. Read it, you won't regret it. Now, I'm off to find another, as they say here in Alabama, "good un." Happy reading yall.
Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips

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Huge pageturner

This was one heck of a book. I couldn’t put this one down. I’m going to attempt to give this five stars if the rating box will let me. A very tough ending, but an awesome well-written book. If you like suspense, and a sense of really being in thdrama, Gin Phillips does a phenomenal job. I need to read moroher stuff. Awesome book, read it. It won’t let you go.
The Dark Net by Benjamin Percy

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This was a phenomenal thrill ride of a book from start to finish. I was a tad skeptical at the beginning because I couldn't seem to flesh the characters out in my head, but it finally took and when the hook was set as it were, I was done for. It blew me away, and the ending was slightly expected, but a bit unexpected as well. Almost like you hold your breath through an intense part of the ride, only to let it out in fits and starts until you take big pulping gasps of air, and say to yourseelf, "That was awesome!! I want to ride again!!" It was that good. David Chandler for Recorded books, did a fabulous job of narration. I loved this one and will recommend it to anyone looking for an intense ride from top to bottom. Don't let the first few pages fool you, dig through. You won't be disappointed..
13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey by Margaret Gillis Figh, Dilcy Windham Hilley, Kathryn Tucker Windham, Kathryn Tucker Windham

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Awesome read!!!

This was a truly delightful read and I relished every page. If you love local, hometown Southern history and folklore, I highly recommend this book. It reads as if Kathryn Tuxker Windham herawself were telling these to you in your own livingroom. This is a fascinating must-read if you want true Alabama author enticity. Pour a cup of coffee and sit back and dive in. You won' regret it. And, don't worry about those clomping footsteps down the hall. It's iijust Jeffry.
The Outsider by Stephen King

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This was Stephen King at his phenomenal dead level best. From start to finish it had every Stephen King classical trope you could think--the quick takeoff, you think you know the ride you're on, the sudden shift, things look a little different, the huge twist, wait, this can't be, and the heartpounding ride through the end. It grips you and doesn't let go until the very last. And Stephen King has a way of getting to the visceral meat of it all, of getting into your very core and sticking with you long after you've finished the last sentence. I read this book on Audible and Will Patten's narration, as always, was absolutely amazing. You were in the book, from the very beginning. I've been a King fan from day 1, I read all his books back in the day, in braille one summer, from It all the way, and that was a 12 volume beauty and one I revisit often, ,tI've read everything else since anc this one doesn't disappoint. I work for our Regional Library for The Blind here in Alabama, and I'm eagerly waiting for The Outsider to appear on our Bard, Braille and Audio Reading Download so I get my patrons turned onto this too. But, this is a must-read for the summer, and any time. I recommend this to everybody who loves a good well crafted story that will definitely go good with a pot of coffee.
Nightmare House by Douglas Clegg

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Great summer horror

This was a fun gripping read. It started harmless enough but like Harrow it sucked you in quickly and held on to the jolting end. I give it 3 stars because it grabbed me but it almost let go too soon. I am curious to read more though. This might have to go on my recommended reads for Halloween.
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree Jr.

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This was the most extensive collection of Tiptree's that I've ever read for sure. A geinite classic in the scifi genre and way ahead of his/her time for sure. I never knew she was a pseudonym for the longest time growing up, but Tiptree's stories always seemed to stick with me. There is no exception here. If you want a good classic read and a comprehensive read fron an author such as Tiptree Junior, you might want to dive into it. It will blow your socks off.