beforethefever's reviews
97 reviews

Ma and Me by Putsata Reang

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a powerful memoir about cultural identity, fidelity, trauma, and mother-daughter relationships 
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw

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I found this book a struggle to get through and only really finished it because it was a mixture of a buddy read, a short book, and it’s been on my tbr for ages. I didn’t enjoy the writing style & it stopped me from fully understanding or getting invested in the story and characters. The concept could’ve been good but I didn’t personally enjoy the execution, but just personal taste 
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez

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I felt like a lot of what was talked about in this book were topics I already had previous knowledge of & I was just expanding my knowledge, which isn’t bad, I was just expecting it to be a more interesting read overall. Also some parts felt a little reductionist 
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

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I wanted to read a book out my comfort zone and tbh this was a little too high fantasy for my personal taste which stopped me from being fully immersed in the plot, but I liked that it was a cosy winter read 
Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim

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i enjoyed the world building a lot, didn’t enjoy the main character and her love interest 
The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo

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my wife isn’t a virgin im gonna kms
Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton

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this book was sooooo good wow. i love a sci-fi book with an interesting, thought-provoking concept & a good plot twist. introspective, reflective, & melancholic but also hopeful in a way
Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera

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I learnt some interesting things here; some parts I would have liked to be expanded upon but I would still recommend the book 
Kamusari Tales Told at Night by Shion Miura

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there was some questionable romance stuff in this book that didn’t need to be included, but I will miss reading about the folklore and setting of this village♥️